Confetti Creative | Public Relations and Podcast Outreach

hey, i'm christina!

I’m passionate about helping you grow the brand of your dreams because I know what it’s like to want more.

I know it’s hard feeling like you’re spinning your wheels without getting the results you so desperately want. Working at a public relations agency for years, I felt the same way.


Deep down, I wanted more — more financial freedom, more control over my schedule, more creativity, more impact — but it was scary to even let myself dream. I can be brave when needed, but as an enneagram 6, I naturally play it safe.


It wasn’t until the pandemic in 2020 that I realized, life is never going to be safe and comfortable. There will always be random curveballs!


That was the push I needed to stop hiding and make a bold step toward the dream I’d tried so hard to quiet within myself: starting a business.


Now, here I am, ready to help you take a bold step and grow the impact you crave!

let's get to know each other

I'd love to work with you!

Are you interested in seeing how I can help you reach your biz goals?

Grab your free list of unique podcasts

Struggling to find podcasts to pitch yourself to? Check out this free list of unique podcasts that are perfect for dipping your toes into pitching!